Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Toronto

My streets are dark and disturbed. My city is hurt. My people are hurt.

The streets of Toronto has been a victim of adult tantrums. I believe that we have SERIOUS issues that we need to SOLVE but VIOLENCE is not the answer. These DEMONstraitors are diverting the real worries of the people. These demonstraitor are against everything. What type of compromise can be met for this?

I wish that the innocent people would leave these dissapointing scenes of destruction. Let's let the Police protect us.

World Leaders... I wish that whatever the message that these demonstraitor are giving was clearer. It is difficult for me to see what this violence is for. This destruction is so close to home that I'm only seeing blurry pixels of violence.

The sky is trying to purify my city with its tears...

Be safe Toronto.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


well I wasn't going to post anything today due to lazyness... but! I am super excited to have a Classic Superman Marathon! I've been such a huge Superman fan for so long. I have still yet to go to one those Super Geek comic conventions but I will! Definitely before I'm 26! I should really have one of those "Things to do before I'm 26" list (any suggestions?) .. Anyway, till next time...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Earthquake: Carole King Said It Best

I feel the earth move under my feet...
Today's T-Dot Earthquake was equally amusing and terrifying all in one shake.

As for me, I was lucky and safe.. and very freaked out. I was alone and felt as though I was in an RL Stine novel (remember him children of the millenium?). I was sitting on a small gaming chair that suddenly moved a few inches from it's original place. I quickly stood up and looked at my surreal surroundings. I grabbed my phone in hopes to dial my other half---IT SUDDENLY RANG and guess who was on the other line??? YES! My other half saying "OMG are you ok? Is the TV OK?" ....

LOL. Thanks.. and uh-ya the TV is ok.

Anyway, I visited eco|stems today. Check out these beautiful and bounteous Flower Arrangements.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

flower adventures

flowers. there's just not enough words to describe how beautiful flowers are. even in there gloomiest they still look great. no wonder it was easy to photograph them =)im learning so much when i visit Joseph in eco|stems. His store's inviting entrance is filled with petals and you just can't help but see what else is in store.

anyway, i wanted to share with you a little album that will be updated every so often. the album features my photography and Joseph Delarge's floral designs!

I hope you guys enjoy =)


About Me

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Amused by Peculiarity and Disinterested with Humdrum Behaviour.